Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Filiming Days - Journal

Monday 22nd of March: 
Filming time: 1:25-2:15pm
Setting: House
Plot: Flashback

We needed more flashbacks for the video as there was not enough to show the relationship of the two characters.

Friday 15th of March :
Filming Time : 1:25-2:15pm
Setting :  Greenscreen room
Plot : Re-shoot.

The 1st green screen shoot we did on the 11th of november was not up to par as problems occured during the video such as blurry footage and performer going out of frame, therefore we did a reshoot.

Wenesday 18th November :    

Filming Time: 3:30pm
Setting: Park
Plot : Flashback                  

The filming we did on this day included a flashback scene which will be edited to be in black and white to signify to the audience that it is in past. This scene was filmed beacuse it links in with the plot of our video as a remembrence scene to add more depth to the video and character build up.    

Wenesday 11th November :

Filming Time :  9:05am
Setting : Greenscreen in CLC

We started to shoot our performance based scenes by having our performer mime the lyrics whilst having the screen be adjusted to a white backround as well as black clothing to contrast them with each other.

Monday 9th Novemeber :          

Filming Time : 4pm
Setting :  Park - Flowers, Trees - Open space.

What we filmed was the opening scene of are main performer rejecting a phone call from her boyfriend to symbolise her rejection off him and the begining of her empowerment. We did a low angle shot of her walking down the path and then beginning to perform the song by miming the lyrics.
After as it sun setted we decided to take a shot of it as it can be the ending of the music video e.g. showing the sunset then fades out which may show happiness or freedom has been acheieved.

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