Monday, 1 March 2010

Questionnaire for target audience

A2 Practical Production Audience Research

Please choose the boxes which are appilicable to you.
Quantitative Research: questionnaire for 30 people

1. What is your gender? : 
[ ] Male or [ ] Female

2. Which age range do you apply to?
13-15 [ ] 16-18 [ ] 19-21 [ ] 22+ [ ]

3. What type of music genres do you listen to? (Multiple choices allowed)
Rock [ ] R&B [ ] Pop [ ] Hip-Hop [ ] Dance [ ] Classical [ ] Heavy Metal [ ]
Other _________

4. What music TV channels do you watch and why? (Multiple choices allowed)
TMF [ ]   MTV [ ] Chart Hits [ ] Scuzz [ ] MTV Classic [  ] Smash hits [  ] Vibe [ ]
Kerrang [ ] the Box [ ] Other _________

5. Favourite 3 music videos, why?



6. What type of music video do you prefer?
Narrative Based¹ [ ] Performance Based² [ ] Concept Based³ [ ] 

Combination of these styles [ ]

7. Does a good music video make you want to buy the track?
Yes [ ]     No [ ]

8. What type of music promotion appeals to you the most?
Billboards [ ] Posters [ ] Magazine Adverts [ ] TV Adverts [ ] Radio commercials [ ]
Internet [ ]

9. What do you look for in a print based advert for a music group or artist?



10. What do you look for in a DVD or CD cover?

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